” If I let go of who I am…
I become who I might be.”

who are you?
what do you want?

Two questions that Carrie has been asking women for decades.

Two questions that most often result in blank stares, a cascade of tears or a fury of anger.

Truth is most women do not, nor have they ever really taken the time to know themselves enough to answer these questions with precision and clarity. 

Furthermore, if they did at one time have the answers they have inevitably lost their way

The likelihood is that as you are reading these words you can feel the truth of them penetrating your soul. .

73% of women list themselves as their last priority in life.
Giving way to kids, partners, pets, work, household responsibilities, family and friends.

You spend years of your life, perhaps even decades in this quiet tormented space of desperation.

Until one day you have a break in the clouds and you reach for freedom of self. 

You try to step into a different version of you Reaching for the girl who used to be your reflection in the mirror as a child. 

and with a gust of inspiration you attempt change…

But then reality hits.

And so you don’t…


A 2 day immersive experience where I will take knowing yourself to the next level

Unlocking the identities of who you have been, how these identities have served you and who you need to become in order to grow to the next version of yourself.

Releasing guilt, shame and embarrassment around your identity of the past and understanding how it served you.

Together, we will step into the ultimate version of yourself and understand the full impact of the identity you carry.

Stop Scratching The Surface…

You know the quotes…. You know the rhetoric. 

You get temporarily inspired by POSSIBILITY.

You want things in your life, you have goals and dreams and you have started and stopped so many times… Oh, so many times.


Her:dentity is going to help you understand. The Matrix of Self-Identity. Understanding how your past and current identity was curated. Learning how to release from the negative emotions of the woman you have been.

Release quilt, shame and anger. Become aware of how influence has developed your identity over time. It is NOT your FAULT, But it is your RESPONSIBILITY.

Your identity has been shaped by the world around you. Most often identity is created through the need to protect oneself, to survive, to heal and to guard against the pains of this world around us.

Release from the pain of feeling like you are failing.  It is time for a Her:dentity shift. Time to BECOME the woman that sits inside your soul wanting to come out. Time to RELEASE from the one who no longer serves you.

The Her:dentity Code has been designed to do just this and Carrie has implemented it and used it time and time again for both herself and her clients worldwide. From professional athletes to corporate executives to stay at home moms and substance abuse

The journey of mastering the identity of your past, present and future self.

The Journey

2 Day Immersive
  • Guided through the AWARENESS process of identify who you have been and who you are right now
  • Gain a DEEPER understanding of the impact of your identity and learn how to embrace why it served you
  • Be Part of a RELEASE ceremony that will shed the layers of who you have been
  • Walk through the CREATION process of creating the next version of you
  • Develop a PROCESS to integrate newfound learnings every day

Crack the code

Her.dentity is the key to unlocking the door to your future self and achieving everything you want for yourself. Her.dentity is the first step to true, long lasting self love and acceptance. Carrie has walked side by side with said women worldwide as they have shed the layers of the woman they had to become to survive.

She has helped women find their way back to the girl who used to dream and want more for herself. Her process marked by simple and effective tools and strategies will deconstruct and reconstruct so you can start living like the woman who you were born to be. Her.dentity is not a conference… It is an experience. A hand held experience surrounded by a collective of women who all want more.

Carrie Campbell Experience
  • Carrie will teach.. For your understanding. 
  • Carrie will guide.. For your integration.
  • Carrie will coach others on the spot through the transformation process and they unbecome everything they thought they were.
  • Stop scratching the surface on the creation of your life.
  • Her.dentity… The journey of mastery your identity; past, present and future self.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”–Aristotle

A letter from Carrie

It was 2010. I had just turned 31.

To the outsider looking in I had it all… A house, 2 kids, a partner and a thriving business. And yet, there I sat perched on the countertop in our kitchen with tears streaming down from my eyes.

My new husband had just asked me a question that I didn’t realize at the time was going to change the course of my life forever… 


The moment he finished his sentence I realized I had nothing. 

Nothing to say… Nothing to feel… Nothing to direct. 

If emptiness had a bigger definition than a gaping void, that is what I was experiencing. How was it possible that with everything I had in my life I had ABSOLUTELY no clue what I wanted. 

Me… The woman who had always known what she wanted from a young age? 

Me…The woman who knew how to take action better than anyone. 

Me… I had it all… and yet all of a sudden I was finding myself asking if it was all that I wanted in the first place. 

And then it hit me… It wasn’t that I didn’t want what I had… it was that somewhere along the way to creating it I lost myself in the process. 

I had become a wife, a mother, a therapist and a caregiver… What I forgot to become… Was ME! 

The woman behind it all… And so I sat… and I cried. For what felt like hours releasing the pain of knowing I had lost myself; feeling the uncertainty of how I was going to recreate myself.

And when the tears were done… without knowing what my next step really was I slid off the counter and dedicated myself to the commitment to figure it out..

That is the day that I promised myself I would never lose myself again. I would spend my life creating, recreating and inventing new versions of myself.  

Because there is no greater pain than waking up one day and realzing that in the path to creating everything you wanted, you lost yourself. 

That was the day that Her:Dentity was ultimately born. 

With love…


Tour Dates

The Unstoppable Woman’s Tour kicks off in Montreal in May 2024; this is an event not to be missed… seats are limited and being taken fast . Select the location you want to attend and get your tickets now:

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